Server Last updated: 2023-12-21

Getting Started

To use the service, you can use dependency injection:

public class YourService {
    private readonly IServerService _serverService;

    public YourService(IServerService serverService) {
        _serverService = serverService;
Get All Server
simple request

The following call consists of the default arguments of the method, which returns the first page of the server listing.

PagedResponse<Server> response = await _serverService.GetAllAsync();

JsonDocument originalJson = response.JsonDocument;
IReadOnlyCollection<Server> server = response.Items;

request server listing with specific page

The following call requests page 4 from the server listing.

PagedResponse<Server> response = await _serverService.GetAllAsync(4);

JsonDocument originalJson = response.JsonDocument;
IReadOnlyCollection<Server> server = response.Items;

request server listing with specific page and number of items per page

The following call requests page 4 of the server listing, with 10 entries per page.

PagedResponse<Server> response = await _serverService.GetAllAsync(4, 10);

JsonDocument originalJson = response.JsonDocument;
IReadOnlyCollection<Server> server = response.Items;

filter by name

The following call requests entries that are filtered by server name.

List<IFilter> filter = new();
filter.Add(new NameFilter("test"));

PagedResponse<Server> response = await _serverService.GetAllAsync(1, 25, filter);

JsonDocument originalJson = response.JsonDocument;
IReadOnlyCollection<Server> server = response.Items;

filter by status

The following call requests entries that are filtered by server status.

List<IFilter> filter = new();
filter.Add(new StatusFilter(ServerStatus.Running));

PagedResponse<Server> response = await _serverService.GetAllAsync(1, 25, filter);

JsonDocument originalJson = response.JsonDocument;
IReadOnlyCollection<Server> server = response.Items;

filter by label

The following call requests entries that are filtered by server label.

List<IFilter> filter = new();
filter.Add(new LabelFilter("test"));

PagedResponse<Server> response = await _serverService.GetAllAsync(1, 25, filter);

JsonDocument originalJson = response.JsonDocument;
IReadOnlyCollection<Server> server = response.Items;


The following call requests entries sorted by server name (descending)

Sorting<ServerSorting>? _sorting = new(ServerSorting.Name, SortingDirection.DESC);

PagedResponse<Server> response = await _serverService.GetAllAsync(1, 25, null, sorting);

JsonDocument originalJson = response.JsonDocument;
IReadOnlyCollection<Server> server = response.Items;
Get Server By Id

The following call retrieves the server details via the server ID. If the server does not exist, a ResourceNotFoundException is thrown.

long serverId = 42;

    SingledResponse<Server> response = await _serverService.GetByIdAsync(serverId);

    JsonDocument originalJson = response.JsonDocument;
    Server server = response.Item;
catch (ResourceNotFoundException err)
    // server not found
Service Structure

The service provides all methods for accessing the server methods.